“Thanks For Coming Out Buddy!” – Junior Seau

My life has been filled with people coming, going, staying, and leaving. It’s the story of life. Today a man, who has had just as big an impact on my life as my father, has passed. Writing this blog; I just… never thought I would be writing this. Junior Seau has passed and this event has had an immense impact on the Charger family.

As I know this is hard for everyone, I have felt such a strong connection between Junior and I. Yes I had never met him, but to watch him play and numerous interviews was to know him. Junior was the one guy who made me believe and witness the magic that this game has to offer. This game was MADE in MY EYES through this man. This man made ME play EVERY PLAY HARD. This man has motivated me as well as MANY others to never quit. When I was a kid I didn’t have many friends, I am a big guy as well as nice, so kids always made fun of me. When Junior and the Bolts were on I had my sanctuary. No one else mattered to me.

I always remember watching him greet kids on the sideline, “Hey kid! Thanks for coming out for us buddy!” I would have done ANYTHING to have been that kid. I would do even more now to be that kid. This man has given so much to me; I could only imagine how much Seau gave back to the community.

I have no words. This is a HUGE loss to us all, but his life was a HUGE gain. I know for a fact that Junior has given us so many memories for us to cherish, and never forget. I hope and prey that I have a son one day who wants to play football. If I am that blessed, I will show him Junior and say, “If you want to play football, you play the right way… the Junior way.” A man who never took a play off or never had a frown with that big Junior smile he always cared ear to ear. This was a player who NEVER forgot where he came from. To his family, to his friends I say thank you for molding my hero, my father figure, the man that I strive to be like everyday of my life. This man has meant more to me then some of the people I hold close to me today. I sit here in tears writing this piece that I will never forget. This man mattered to a lot more people then anyone could even think.

I would like to address MY statement to Junior:

Thank you for so much joy that you put into my life, just by putting on that 55 for the Bolts. You were the original fist pumper. Thank you for solidifying the morals, and mentality that I carry today. I learned from watching you, that you do not judge, you do not penalize anyone for doing no wrong. It hurts that I will have to wait even longer to meet you at the gates, but I expect you to be there! No one played as hard as you. No one cared as much as you and NO ONE treated their fans like you. For that Junior, you will be a role model for my kids, and remain mine. Alls I have to say is I guess, “Thanks for coming out buddy!”

Joey Nicks

P.S.- Junior was a CHARGER and a TROJAN! WE must ban together, please share memories beneath about this EPIC warrior, so we can celebrate his life. This is hard for everyone and we all need a little support right now.
