Super Specialists for Super Chargers
By Joey Nicks
What was more exciting then watching Sproles burn opposing teams up the middle or down the sideline for a touchdown? Nothing could compare, not even when Goodman ran one back against the Raiders last year in week 17. When Sproles left so did our special specialist! Not to mention a man we all held a special place for. Can we find another one in 2012?
A.J. may have realized how much a dangerous PR/KR helped San Diego. They have 4 awesome choices to line up to take kickoffs or return punts in 2012. Charger fans have been excited to see the specialist that we once had. The truth is Richard Goodman, Eddie Royal, Roscoe Parrish, and Micheal Spurlock are all good in their own way. Which one is right for San Diego?
Let’s start with kick returner (KR). We have seen Eddie Royal first hand and what havoc he can wreak if given the smallest of seems, he is a true show, and spectacle to watch. I see him fitting in very well as a slot receiver and don’t think Chargers will risk having him as a kickoff returner as you are more susceptible to injury. You would have to believe looking at the numbers that Micheal Spurlock would be the best choice. Spurlock boasts a 25.1 yards per avg. and also has taken 2 to the house. Plus out of the entire bunch Spurlock has the most experience as a KR. Roscoe Parrish is nice but is better in the punting game. Goodman, I just felt, didn’t impress me last year. If you want my guess, Spurlock will be deep for the Bolts this year.
What about punt returner (PR)? As a PR, it is just a little more dangerous then returning kickoff’s. That doesn’t mean Royal won’t be back their. Our big issue with last year was health and if we are going to stay healthy then we shouldn’t have big pieces, trying to do too much. While I LOVE the athleticism of Eddie Royal the numbers are in the favor of Roscoe Parrish. Parrish took 3 to the house, and has by far the most experience. The Chargers should be able to make room for an extra receiver as 4 receivers are locks. Meach, Malcom, Brown, and Royal will be making the team. So if it were up to me, Parrish would win the spot and we would carry the 6th receiver. If the case was that they CAN’T make room then it would make sense for Eddie Royal to fulfill the duties of PR, but I would love to keep Royal fresh for Philip.
So you are almost in a Catch 22. Carry an extra receiver and keep Royal fresh? Or carry the average 5 and gain that extra roster spot for another position you might need? While we sit here and wait for the answers you have to be confident in any decision the Chargers make. All of these gentlemen are more then capable of handling the job. Charger fans be excited, there is a good possibility you can see some “easy” scores from special teams this year.