3 Chargers who will make the 53-man roster but don't deserve it

Not every player that makes a 53-man roster has earned it.
New Orleans Saints v Los Angeles Chargers
New Orleans Saints v Los Angeles Chargers / John McCoy/GettyImages
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3. Foster Sarell

Foster Sarell is coming off of his best preseason game thus far. After struggling mightily in the first preseason game of the year, Sarell responded nicely against the Saints. Sarell was moved over to right tackle and only allowed one pressure in the game.

While this is a welcomed sign, one serviceable game against backups in the preseason is not enough of a reason to buy into Sarell. If he had the track record of playing really well beforehand then it would be one thing but that is not the case.

Sarell was forced to start at right tackle several times in 2022 and he did not look like he should have been out there with the rest of the guys. it was a struggle for Sarell and it seemed inevitable that the Bolts would bring in a different swing tackle.

That is not what happened and there really is no competition for Sarell at the swing tackle spot. He is going to make the roster as the OT3 and Chargers fans just have to hope that he does not have to come in against a team with a great pass rush.

Any other team with proper offensive tackle depth would not carry Sarell on the 53-man roster. Unfortunately, the Chargers do not have that, so there really isn't an alternative.
