First off, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I hope everyone enjoys a great day with family and friends.
For those of you that have been following me since I began writing for ( in March), you all know how much my family means to me. Many of you that I talk to also are very familiar with the multitude of things that I am thankful for on an every day basis.
Today I’m not going to write about those things. I’d like to take a moment to talk about something that I might be taking for granted.
One of the things I’m extremely thankful for is writing for this very site. When Ernie Padaon put out an article stating that he was looking for writers I was ecstatic that there might be a chance for me to write about our beloved Bolts.
I had always wanted to write about the Chargers. I’ve been a diehard fan for the better part of three decades. What could be better than to write about a team that I’ve supported for years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life?
It’s not just writing for BoltBeat that deserves some attention. Since March, we have seen the popularity and traffic of this site grow exponentially. I know Facebook likes are not the best way to gauge traffic, but in March we had 319 Facebook likes. We are now at 1,119 likes.
This staff has worked hard to voice our opinions and do so in a timely fashion. I’ve had the pleasure of becoming friends with, and hanging out with multiple times, Greg Williams. His articles are great and I appreciate the friendship that we have formed. Can’t wait to see you again December 16th for the Carolina game.
Charger Girl Cindi has been with BoltBeat quite a bit longer than me. I enjoy her articles and her Football Friday recipes are now in the cookbooks of family and friends of mine in 9 different states. I missed getting to meet you on my last trip to San Diego but I won’t next time! Keep pumping out those great articles.
Supporting the Chargers from Jersey, we have Joey Nicks. A great writer that I have had the pleasure of talking to many times on the phone. Although it has mostly been about the poor season the Chargers are having, I feel like I’ve gotten to know quite a bit about him as a person as well. I truly hope to meet him some day and I’m sure at some point it will happen. You’re definitely on my family and friends calling list for today. I’ll talk to you at some point today.
The newest addition to BoltBeat has been Dan Locke. I was fortunate enough to meet up with Dan for the Cleveland game, or as I like to call it the debacle by the lake. It was really cool to hang out with Dan despite the terrible weather and the outcome of the game. Dan is a good writer that finds a way to add stats and humor to all of his articles. I find that to be very awesome.
Repping the Bolts from the state of Idaho is Paul Biggs. Paul is a guy that I talk to on the phone about 4 or 5 times a week. Paul is a good writer that bleeds blue and gold but is appropriately critical of the team where he sees fit. I have yet to meet Paul but have no doubt that I will at some point. I’m sure he already expects a call today and I will be sure to oblige.
And last, but not least, our editor and fearless leader, Ernie Padaon. This guy is so busy that if, or when, I actually get a response from him I feel like I am being contacted by a celebrity. I can’t say how much I appreciate the position of staff writer here. Ernie crushes the breaking news for this site. He is constantly reporting news prior to the “major” Charger websites. I know I appreciate being a part of a team that is led by someone that cares so much about keeping us all informed and up to date. Ernie has always been sure to remind the entire staff that the readers are our utmost priority. Which leads me to these parting words.
I have listed that I am thankful for writing for this site and for all of the writers here. I’d like to end this by saying that I am also very thankful for the readers as well. Without the readers this becomes completely pointless. This goes for ALL of the readers. We have a great following here at BoltBeat and I am extremely thankful for that. I can only speak for myself but I truly appreciate each and every one of you and the support you provide by reading our articles. I’d just want to say thanks to every single one of you.
Happy Thanksgiving BoltFamily!!!!
A.K.A. Dave Peters