Fan Perspective w/ Jen Jimena

What’s good Boltheads?!? Here we go with what I am honestly going to say is my FAVORITE Fan Perspective interview to date! Wait until you get a load of this interview. 

This just so happens to be my first, and certainly not my last, Fan Perspective interview with a female BoltFan.  I like to lovingly call them BoltGirls.  See for yourself that she killed this interview. 

I mean no offense to any other interviewee.  The answers were well thought out and needed the least amount of “attention” out of any of the other interviews.  Well, at least a close second to Pete’s interview. 

The worst interview I did, as far as having to edit it repeatedly for spelling, grammar, etc. was by a supposed writer.  He was also a supposed adult.  Anyway…..

I am extremely excited to share this interview with Boltheads from all over the world!  Don’t consider that statement to be overblown or cheesy.  We are forming a very strong group of supporters from across the pond. Thank you all for your support.  It means the world to all of us here at BoltBeat.  See what I did there? ( I know that I think that I am funnier than any of you think I am….but that’s cool, too! )

Let’s get right to it and we’ll start with a little bio and then the questions.  I know you’ll all enjoy this as much as I did.  And if you don’t…I. WILL. FIGHT. YOU!!


Name: Jenzel (Jen) Jimena. Don’t call me Jennifer, Randy!! ( I put in the Randy part. )

Age: Does it really need to be part of the article? LOL! 27 years old.

From: San Diego, CA  baby!

What I do: Masters in Forensic Science with a specialization in Investigation. I’m a student and work as an Academic and Financial Aid Advisor forNationalUniversity.

I’m super girly & turn into a tomboy on Sundays and some Mondays & Thursdays during football season. I enjoy candle lit dinners; screw walking on the beach though, I hate sand LOL. I can teach you how to Dougie. I kick ass in Words with Friends. Actually, I kick ass in general LOL.


BoogaP:  How long have you been a Chargers Fan?

Since 1993. We had just moved from thePhilippinesa couple years before and I didn’t quite understand why my uncles were yelling obscenities towards the television.  I decided to actually sit down and watch with them that season and needless to say, I was confused at first.  But I learned quickly and fell in love with the sport but above all, fell in love with my home team: the San Diego Super Chargers!

BoogaP:  Who is your favorite Charger of all-time and who is your favorite Charger that is currently on the roster?

My favorite Chargers of all-time (sorry I can’t choose just 1!) are Lance Alworth and LaDainian Tomlinson. Alworth was basically able to catch every ball thrown to him.  I wish I was able to watch him and Hadl play live.  They were a power couple.  Also, one of my nicknames is “Bambi”, so there’s a special connection there.  Tomlinson was a household name inSan   Diego.  He has done and given a lot to our community.  He is a class act on and off the field.  I will love him forever.

My favorite Chargers (again, I can’t choose just 1!) are Antonio Gates, Philip Rivers, Eric Weddle, Antonio Garay and Nick Hardwick for all different reasons but mostly for their passion for the game. Their drive, humility, hard work and team pride is so sexy (yeah I said it, sexy hahaha).

BoogaP:  Have you ever been to a Chargers game and if not is there one team that you would love to see the Bolts play?

I make it a point to attend AT LEAST one game per season.  I would love to go to a Chargers versus Giants or Bears game because I enjoy watching Eli Manning and Jay Cutler getting sacked.

BoogaP:  Is there one Chargers moment that sticks out in your mind that you will never forget?

Yes, I was at the Chargers versus Broncos game when LT broke the record for the number of touchdowns in a single season. We knew he was going to break the record during that game and was just waiting for it to happen. It was a great moment to be a fan when it did.

BoogaP:  What is your favorite piece of Chargers swag that you own?

For my 23rd birthday, a friend of mine gave me a football signed by Antonio Gates, Marlon McCree and Stephen Cooper. I was so touched and at first I said I couldn’t accept it because I felt bad but he told me that no other Chargers fan deserved it more than me. It is encased and I don’t let anyone near it.  To this day, my brother has begged for me to give it to him or trade him something for it.  I told him that it is going to be buried with me!!

BoogaP:  Do you think that the Chargers should go with the Powder Blue uniforms as their home jerseys all the time?

Yes!! I love the powder blues! Who do I tweet to make this happen? Goodell or Spanos? Do they have a Twitter? ?

BoogaP:  You have told me that you get pretty rowdy during the season.  What is your craziest Bolts “wig-out?”

I was at a bar with my then boyfriend watching a Chargers versus Steelers game and I, of course, would cheer any time the Chargers scored or made a good play. A Steelers fan, who I’d say was twice my age mind you, started to get in my face about how much the Chargers sucked.  Needless to say, I was not backing down and offered a couple rated R rebuttals. Well, he said that he was not afraid to hit a girl and even other Steelers fans were on my side.  He got kicked out.

BoogaP:  If you could play any position for the Chargers which one would it be and why?

A cheerleader! LOL.  Kidding aside, I would want to play either as a linebacker because I want to sack the quarterback or as a cornerback because I WILL deny you of catching the ball or intercept it altogether. BOOM!!

BoogaP:   The Chargers have the 6th toughest schedule in the NFL.  How much confidence do you have that the Bolts will get the job done and return to the playoffs after a two year hiatus?  I have predicted that the Chargers will win their first Superbowl this year.

Every year, I feel that the Chargers will go to the Superbowl! Our offensive line needs to stop collapsing and protect Rivers.  Rivers needs to improve on moving in and out of the pocket.  Sometimes I feel like I can run faster than him…while wearing heels LOL.  Mathews needs to step it up to a higher caliber.  He’s not a rookie anymore, we expect more from him now.  Our run game is where I think needs the most improvement. I have no doubt that if these downfalls were fixed, the Chargers would be the team to be feared once again.  I predict our record to be 12-4: losing once to the Chiefs & Broncos, Steelers and Falcons. We have to be the AFC West Champions at the VERY LEAST.

BoogaP:  What is your gameday meal and beverage of choice?

Pizza, wings and champagne!

BoogaP:  Randy and I are going to try and help Cam Thomas ( @Baby_Zilla76 ) sell his #CamSmash!!! Tee-shirts.  Would you buy one?


BoogaP:  Who is your least favorite team in the NFL and why?

The Raiders, for obvious reasons!  They hate JUST to hate.  I am up for having team pride but still be respectful.  But I actually despise the Patriots more.  CHEATERS!

BoogaP:  Many Chargers Fans are hoping that AJ Smith will bring back LT.  Would you like to see LT in a Chargers uniform again?

My answer is no and before you stone me, let me tell you why.  As heartbreaking as it was that LT left (I cried, no lie), we knew it was inevitable because he was not putting up the numbers that he was in years prior.  There will always be someone that will replace our favorite players. Someone that is younger, faster, healthier, and hungrier.  I am still very much an LT fan because of the kind person he is but he’s gone, I’ve accepted it, we should all accept it and focus on the team we have now. I have high hopes that LT will retire as a Charger and that’s all I need.

BoogaP:  And, lastly, how often do you visit  And when are you going to start commenting? 

I visit almost every day now since I’ve met you and I’ve been commenting! Grrr! Stop picking on me! LOL!

Well?  Now do you see what I mean? 

Jen, you do an amazing job and not only is it clear that you know the Bolts, it is undeniably obvious that you love the Chargers with all of your heart. 

Thank you so much for this interview. 

Everyone should do themselves a favor and welcome Jen to the BoltBeatFam by leaving a comment at the bottom of the article. 


I’d also like to ask that if you are on Twitter that you give her a follow at @JENFABULOUS as soon as you are done reading and leaving a comment.


Thanks a lot for reading.

And as always……


