Getting to Know the Chicago Bears w/ @ChicagoBearJew


In order to get more insight on this weekend’s opponent, I was able to hit up the Chicago Bear Jew (@ChicagoBearJew) for a Q and A session. He writes over at Rant Sports for the Bears so be sure to get over there and check out his site and give him some crap.

Now onto the Q and A:

1. Give Chargers fans an inside look at the Chicago Bears.

The Chicago Bears needed an off-season. The lack of one really hurt this team early in the season. There’s been some gelling issues that could have been worked out with a little more time with the coaches. It’s finally starting to work

Offensively, the Chicago Bears are becoming solid. I know Jay Cutler has the reputation of turning the ball over, but I saw a stat that he’s got one of the lowest interception totals in the NFL. Matt Forte is having a great season, but has been a bit less potent the last few weeks. Since Earl Bennett has returned from injury, Cutler loves throwing him the football. The line is giving Cutler time and he’s responding. Left guard Chris Williams was injured last week which will hurt a unit that has made HUGE HUGE HUGE strides this season. It went from being horrible to one of the NFL’s most solid units.

The Chicago Bears have the best Special Teams unit in football. Everyone knows Devin Hester, but few know Corey Graham. He’s a coverage specialist and one of the best I’ve ever seen. He can take a game over running down kicks. Kicker Robbie Gould is amazing and punter Adam Podlesh is steady.

I’ve saved the best for last. The Bears defense is really good. Julius Peppers, Brian Urlacher, Lance Briggs and Charles Tillman are playing as well as anyone at their positions. Watch Tim Jennings who’s on the other corner. he’s pretty solid as well. Where the Bears struggle is at safety. While I like Cal’s Chris Conte, Major Wright annoys the living crap out of me.

While many of your fans think I am drinking the Kool Aid a bit, I am very critical of this team. Things are clicking right now, so I will go with it.

2. What are your thoughts on the Chargers?

I don’t get to see them very often, and I really don’t follow the AFC as close as the NFC. But I do know that every year I hear how good the Chargers are and every year the Chargers just don’t seem to live up to the hype. This season many felt it would be the year. I watched you guys play the Packers and while I was cheering like hell for you, there’s something missing. Obviously two pick-sixes didn’t help early, but there’s way too many mistakes being made by your squad. It seems to be a theme. Plus, Norv Turner seems like he’s a poor coach to me. Again, keep in mind I don’t see much of the Chargers so I’m sorry if I am way off-base.

You’ve got some talented players up-and-down the roster. Philip Rivers is still a good quarterback despite his numbers being off. Vincent Jackson is a great receiver. Donald Butler, Antwan Barnes and Eric Weddle seem to be the guys to watch on defense.

3. What are your thoughts on Philip Rivers?

He’s a talented QB. I wish Cutler had Jackson. From what I saw in the Packers game he just seems to be having too many WTF type moments. I don’t get it. Maybe it’s time to bring in new coaches.

4. Who on the Chargers scares you?

You’re going to think this is a cocky answer…no one. But if you held a gun to my head, I would say Vincent Jackson.

5. The Chargers will win this game if…

They can get the big play against the Bears.

6. The Bears will win this game if…

They prevent the big play.

7. Prediction

I’m out of this business but I think the Bears are playing with more incentive.